Education is a pathway to anything you do in life. It is a way of enhancing oneself for a different perspective, it provides an opinion, perspective, an idea about different issues going in the world, and vice versa. Every child should have the right to education, the right to acquire enough knowledge, gain positivity from the environment, and knowing oneself better in any given field.

Why is education necessary?

Education is not all about how knowledgeable you are rather it is more about how much you know about your surroundings and in today’s world education is necessary to walk and talk with other people to learn and know different things going around the world.

In what way technology comes into use in enhancing learning?

technology enhanced learning singapore has a big role to play when it comes to education as learning is not restricted to only books rather it is developing every day and it is enhancing its roots as well. In today’s generation, everyone is very keen on computer applications, they know how to use and without computers, studies cannot be taken afar. So it kind of became necessary. Technology is helping students to expand their ideas and their innovations and helping them form the best for their future.