When checking the ID, you require to confirm the authenticity faster. This is important since you will have an easier time while scrutinizing the fake ID card (fałszy wydowód osobisty). Every day, police officers, bank tellers, retail clerks, professionals, and HR managers have to authenticate the identifying documents with their naked eyes.

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Identifying the forgery of the document is turning into a serious concern across the globe. The government is issuing identity documents that are modified and copied by fraudsters to substantiate the fake claims and handle different illegal activities. Criminals are investing in counterfeit ID production to support the smuggling of human trafficking, terrorism, and migrants.

There are different types of fake IDs. You will get them categorized into three categories. These are stolen IDs, Altered IDs, and Forged IDs.

Forged ID

These are ID that is not produced by legal authority or government. They are created specifically in the attempt to set the fake identity of an individual. These Forged IDs are divided into some categories. This includes the front and back forgery and front forgery,

Front forgery IDs include the IDs made with personal information and stolen images. Nevertheless, the IDs’ barcodes do not have any encrypted data in the back and front forgery IDs. This can be on both sides of the ID.

Altered ID

These ID are real with little modified information. A good example is the address or birth data will be modified to acquire entry into bars and nightclubs or purchase alcohol.

Stolen ID

This is another category of IDs that means they are not meant for the individuals who are keeping them.


Today, a wide range of offenses arises when someone is using or making a fake ID. Additionally, there is a wide selection of possible penalties.

Depending on your state law and the kind of crime one is doing, some penalties range from probation to the fines and the jail for some years. It is essential to check with your country’s law to understand more about punishments

Spotting the driving license

A driving license is a substantial identity that proves different countries in the global world. Today the production of fake driving licenses is on the rise. You need to follow important steps while spotting the authenticity of driving licenses.

It is important to consider the digitally printed photograph that concerns the holder with a holographic overlay. You can verify if there is an incorrect signature or no signature. The fake IDs are always created in a hurry. They have incorrect flags images and spelling mistakes.

You can take your time and feel the surface of the license by running of the thumb over your card. The fake IDs are bumpy. Different fake driving licenses have a plain background. It is possible to find the listed information in the wrong place. Therefore, it is important to take your most time to understand the different steps before identifying fake IDs.